Can you use Parsley that has bolted

You can use Parsley after bolting. But, there have some limitations to using Parsley when it is bolted. Is Parsley truly useable after bolting? Or how can you use Parsley bolted?

Can you use Parsley that has bolted? The answer is yes. When the Parsley is bolted, you can keep them without doing anything because the bolted Parsley becomes seeds. On the other hand, you can eat them without facing any problems.

Let’s learn in detail about this matter so that you can easily understand what you can do with bolted Parsley.

Can You Use Parsley That Has Bolted?

Parsley plant is suitable for use when it comes with bolted. But you can’t use Parsley in wide areas.

Moreover, Parsley helps you to get seeds when it is bolted. So many garden owners also eat Parsley when they are bolted.

Furthermore, you will take some proper steps so that Parsley can’t bolt into your garden. But, you can keep bolted Parsley so that they become seeds, and the way is truly far better than others.

Here is a simple list for you that helps you to understand where you can use bolted Parsley in your garden.

  • You can keep bolted Parsley so that they become seeds
  • Bolted Parsley is also suitable for eating. You can easily eat them
  • Use them as a compost pile

Can You Eat Parsley After It Flowers?

The official answer is yes; you can eat Parsley after it flowers. However, Parsley is also suitable for eating when it is bolting.

You will use parsley flowers in the recipe for pesto, tabbouleh, tzatziki, salsa verde, or chimichurri.

In the UK and USA, many restaurants use parsley flowers to make the foods tastier.

On the other hand, parsley flowers are also suitable for making seeds. You can use flower leaves to make seeds to grow Parsley next year.

Parsley is not much testy, and its test is different from common leaves. So, you need to test parsley flowers very little enough. And, if you think that the test is good enough, you can take multiple leaves of the flowers to eat.

What to Do with Parsley Seeds?

There are two ways you can use your parsley seeds. First of all, you can keep the parsley seed for growth in the next year. The majority of garden owners doing thing things so that they don’t need to buy seeds from the market.

Secondly, you can sell the seeds on the market. If you think that you don’t grow Parsley in your garden next year and also have lots of seeds, you can sell them to earn some money.

Some of the garden owners also eat seeds. Though the seeds don’t much test, you will get some vitamins from the seeds.

It would be better for you to store the seeds and plants in your garden next year. Do you need more suggestions or ways about this matter? You let me know in the following comment section.

FAQs (Frequently Ask Questions)

Q: What to do with Parsley that has bolted?

Answer: You will keep the bolted Parsley so that the bolted Parsley becomes seeds, and you can plant it next year. Whatever you can also eat Parsley bolted after cooking properly.

Q: Can you use overgrown Parsley?

Answer: Parsley is an overgrowing plant that you found in your garden. If the parsley seed is healthy and the weather is perfect, you can grow overgrown Parsley in your garden.

Q: What does it mean when parsley bolts?

Answer: It means that Parsley doesn’t grow as well as death. You have nothing to do when the parsley bolts except make the bolted parsley seeds. Or you can also eat bolted Parsley.

Q: Should I let my parsley plant flower?

Answer: If your Parsley doesn’t come with a bolt problem, you can let your parsley plant flowers. Bolted Parsley is a common matter for most of the garden. So, take proper steps so that Parsley can’t bolt out and you can let your parsley plant flower.


Parsley is a common plant in our garden. It is true that Parsley bolted the majority of the time, and we have nothing to do. But we can keep the bolted Parsley for next year so that we can use the bolted Parsley for next year.

I suggest you read the above content carefully to get a clear concept about this matter.

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