Have you noticed white spots on the leaves of your Chinese money plant? If so, it’s essential to identify the cause so you can take the appropriate action to treat it. This article will explore the three reasons why white spots on Chinese money plant leaves fungal infections, pests and insects, and environmental factors.

We’ll provide tips on identifying the cause and offer solutions for each, including proper humidity maintenance, Temperature, lighting, and treatment options for fungal infections and pests. You can keep your Chinese money plant healthy and thriving with the right approach.

3 Causes of White Spots on Chinese Money Plant Leaves

White Spots on Chinese Money Plant Leaves
White Spots on Chinese Money Plant Leaves

Fungal Infection

The leading cause of white spots on Chinese money plant leaves could be related to fungal infection. Do you know that Fungal infections usually occur when spores from fungi are present in the soil or air and land on the plant’s leaves? It would be best to understand that Fungi thrive best in warm, moist environments.

They can quickly spread from one plant to another. Once a fungal infection takes hold of your plant, it can be challenging to get rid of it. Several fungal infections can cause white spots on Chinese Money Plant leaves. One of the most common is powdery mildew, which looks like a fine white coating on the leaves.

Another type of fungal infection is leaf spot, which appears as small, circular white or grey spots on the leaves. These fungal infections can cause your plant’s leaves to turn yellow and eventually fall off if left untreated.

However, leaves on your plant can also fall off, or their leaves can turn yellow due to multiple reasons. Recently, I’ve covered and discussed 9 possible reasons For Why My Chinese Money Plant Leaves Falling Off. And also, 5 fixable Reasons for the question, “Why Is My Chinese Money Plant Leaves Turning Yellow.” Now, Coming back to the topic.

As you know, prevention is always the best key for fungal infections in Chinese Money Plants; you should ensure that your plant has proper air circulation and is not in a location that is too humid or warm.

You must also avoid overwatering your money plant as it can create a moist environment perfect for fungal growth. Suppose your Chinese Money Plant is already infected with a fungal infection.

In that case, you should consider treatment options, which usually include removing any infected leaves, pruning the plant to improve air circulation, and applying a fungicide to the plant’s leaves. However, if you don’t know whether your money plant is suffering from any fungal infection, here are three easy steps

  • First, examine your plant’s leaves for white spots or powdery coatings.
  • It would be best to also look for any yellowing or wilting of the leaves.
  • After that, you must check the soil for excess moisture, which can contribute to fungal growth.

If you are still unable to detect if it is a fungal infection, never mind contacting a professional who can help you and not only identify the problem but also fix it with the right approach.

Pests & Insects

If you notice white spots on your Chinese Money Plant leaves, they can also be due to a pest or insect infestation. Problems that cause white areas include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects.

Do you know these pests are known for sucking the sap from many plants, including your money plant? If not treated at the early stage, and can cause damage to the leaves, leading to the appearance of white spots.

If you want to identify pest & insect infestations, you must closely examine the plant leaves, stems, and soil for any signs of insects or pests. Spider mites are tiny, spider-like insects that leave webbing on the leaves, while mealybugs and scale insects look like small, cottony masses on the leaves or stem.

Suppose your plant is already suffering from test infestation or disease. In that case, many types of treatment are available, including spraying the plant with a mixture of water and dish soap, using insecticidal soap, or using neem oil.

Ensure you follow the proper instructions carefully to avoid damaging the plant. You should also prevent overwatering your plant and maintain appropriate humidity levels to discourage pests and insects from infesting the plant.

Environmental Factors

Last but more importantly, Environmental factors can significantly impact the health of a Chinese Money Plant, including the appearance of white spots on leaves. Believe it or not, Temperature, humidity, and lighting can all play a role in developing these spots.

According to a study by the University of Florida, improper environmental conditions can lead to plant fungal infections. As I told you earlier, High humidity will create a breeding ground for fungal spores, which can lead to the development of white spots on the leaves.

On the other hand, dry air can cause your money plant to lose moisture, developing white spots. Talking about extreme temperatures can also impact the plant’s health, causing stress and making it more susceptible to infections and diseases. In terms of lighting, Chinese Money Plants prefer bright, indirect light.

Therefore if you have kept your Chinese money plant exposed to direct sunlight, it can become stressed and develop white spots on its leaves. Conversely, insufficient light can also lead to the development of white spots, weakening the plant and making it more susceptible to infections.

I always recommend maintaining proper environmental conditions at Money Plant to keep the humidity levels in check. As per my experience, a humidity level of around 40-60% is ideal for your plant. If the humidity level is low around your money plant, you can consider using a humidifier, or misting the plant can help to increase the humidity around it.

Also, maintaining consistent temperatures between 60-75°F can help keep your plant healthy and avoid stress. As for lighting, it’s best to place your Chinese Money Plant in a sunny location with indirect sunlight.

You can also supplement your plant with artificial lighting if necessary. It’s essential to avoid placing the plant near any sources of direct heat or cold drafts because this will also lead to plant stress, making it susceptible to infections.

How To Identify The Cause Of White Spots On Chinese Money Plant Leaves.

  1. First, you need to check the humidity levels around the plant to ensure they are within the ideal range of 40-60%.
  2. After that, you should monitor the Temperature around your plant to ensure it is between 60-75°F.
  3. Later, Assess the lighting conditions around your plant to ensure it receives bright, indirect light from time to time. If you are using grow bulb, you should know that its intensity tends to wear down with overuse.
  4. If all these things check right, you should Examine the leaves for any signs of pests or insects.
  5. If none of the above steps reveal a cause, you must test your soil pH and adjust it if necessary.

Treatment of White Spots on Chinese Money Plant Leaves

  1. Identify the underlying cause of the white spots by examining the affected leaves and looking for signs of pests, insects, fungal infections, or environmental factors.
  2. Remove the affected leaves by cutting them off at the base with clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears.
  3. Clean the plant thoroughly with water and a mild soap solution to remove any pests or insects that may be present.
  4. Treat the plant with the appropriate treatment for the underlying cause of the white spots, such as a pesticide for pests or a fungicide for fungal infections.
  5. Monitor the plant closely for any signs of recurrence or new white spots, and continue treatment as needed until the problem is resolved.

Also Read: 9 Reasons Why Is My Money Plant Dying

Prevention of White Spots on Chinese Money Plant Leaves

  1. Make sure to keep your plant clean and free from debris by cleaning your plant’s leaves with a damp cloth or a gentle spray of water.
  2. Additionally, provide good air circulation by placing a fan near your plant or keeping it in a well-ventilated area to prevent the buildup of moisture, which can lead to fungal infections. 
  3. You should always use clean & sterile gardening tools when pruning or propagating your plant to prevent the spread of pests or fungal spores.
  4. Also, check the type of soil you use, as it can also impact your plant’s health. Use a well-draining soil mix specifically designed for indoor plants to prevent waterlogging and fungal growth.
  5. Always allow the soil to dry out partially before watering your Chinese Money Plant.
  6. You can place a small fan near the plant or open a window if the weather permits to promote airflow.
  7. You must space out your plants and avoid planting too many in one container.


Can I Use Chemical Pesticides To Get Rid Of Pests On My Chinese Money Plant?

Yes, you can use chemical pesticides. Even though chemical pesticides may be effective in getting rid of pests, they can also potentially harm both the plant & the environment. This is why I recommend natural remedies like neem oil, insecticidal soap, or homemade remedies before using chemical pesticides. 

What Is The Ideal Temperature Range For Chinese Money Plant growth?

You should know that Chinese Money Plants thrive in temperatures between 60-75°F. Therefore, keep the plant away from extreme temperatures, such as draughty areas or areas with direct sunlight. Keeping your plant in consistent temperatures within this range will promote healthy growth and prevent stress.

How do I know if my Chinese Money Plant is receiving adequate lighting?

Chinese Money Plants prefer bright, indirect light. Observing its growth and leaf color lets you tell if your plant receives enough sunlight. If the leaves are small or pale, they may not be getting enough light.

Check this article to determine How Much Sunlight Does A Money Plant Need?.


Now you know why your Chinese money plant leaves have white spots. Since there can be many causes., List three of the most common ones that gardeners have reported mainly. Whatever the reasons, you should only take action if you know the real kept.

I will prevent you from doing anything if you don’t know what is causing the problem and leading to white spots on Chinese money plants. Instead, it would be best to consider consulting a professional gardener or horticulturist to help you.

I have tried my best to give you all the information you need on your money plant to make it thrive and grow successfully. If you find this article helpful, then consider sharing it. Your share will help many people learn about the importance of proper care and management for money plants.

It will also make them aware of the consequences of not following the right approach to care for their plant. Your one share may help many money plants recover from white spots. I have shared many other articles on money plants and Chinese money plant care and management on my website. Therefore, never mind checking on it. See you in the next post. Till then, take care and goodbye.

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